Intelligent, innovative, ecological

The new sensors for roller conveyor systems offer everything required for modern warehousing and transport technology: Mountable underneath the transport level of raceway conveyors, the inventor of this extraordinary design format is now presenting intelligent, multitalented sensors which are not only setting new standards where environmental protection is concerned. Together with a broad range of variants, near field communication (NFC) and smart logistics functions result in an ideal product for logistics 4.0.
Available as reflex sensor with background suppression, retro-reflex sensor or logic unit, the new sensors can be supplied with or without accumulation logic and with valve (for pneumatics) or without valve (for motorized rollers) – a dream come true for all logistics technicians. As products that are perfectly matched to the special requirements of the system – like custom-made items – but nevertheless can be used to implement a great variety of applications with a single format, the sensors for roller conveyor systems are wenglor’s ideal response to the needs of automated logistics.

Logistics 4.0: Configuration via App
Where handling and operation are concerned as well, wenglor’s engineers have done an outstanding job: equipped with a near field communication interface (NFC), the sensors can be conveniently configured via an Android app or with a PC, and switching distances and operating modes can even be selected in the de-energized state.
The free “wenglor Sensor Configurator” app is available as of immediately from the Google Play Store.
Beyond this, the sensors are convenient and easy to mount. They can be installed on the spot in just a few simple steps using the intuitive fast-clip system and quick wiring.
Thanks to intelligent accumulation logic functions and energy saving modes, the performance potential of logistics systems can be appreciably improved.
Power consumption at the solenoid valves is reduced by 75% with the help of the integrated EcoMode and additional electrical energy is saved in the switched state as well.
Thanks to automatic roller shutdown, dynamic accumulation zones, intelligent jam monitoring, individual and block forwarding, as well as time functions, a great variety of logistics processes can be easily implemented and optimised. Users benefit from considerably reduced energy consumption, lower noise levels, a significant decrease in the number of errors, increased throughput rates and up to 60% more capacity for the conveyor system.

Bron: Intelligent, innovative, ecological