Industry urged to take advantage of renewables insights

Awareness of ongoing research into packaging made from natural renewable resources needs to be raised according to both the Packaging Society, and the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), which are striving to keep their own members, and members of the packaging industry as a whole, up to speed with the latest developments and show how they are becoming more viable alternatives.
Barrier-treated cartonboards, cellulose films and moulded pulp products have long had to compete against alternative laminates, and not provided a viable economic alternative. But the organisations say new technologies emerging have made them more competitive and attractive to the packaging markets for food and ‘to go’ beverages.
Ian Davis, the new Chairman of the Packaging Society, is urging packaging specifiers, technologists, producers and retailers, especially those in the food and beverage sectors, to take advantage of new insights being provided into applications, performance and suitability for recycling, composting and sustainability. He said there has been a surge in interest in these materials for packaging applications and anyone involved with packaging development at the sharp end can benefit from knowing more about the materials and technologies now available.
A series of events, which are open to the wider packaging community as well as members of the Packaging Society, have been arranged with that in mind, with the first event looking at the cartonboard and cellulose film combinations, and the next looking at corrugated case materials.
Six key industry personnel will be sharing their insights on funding for eco-friendly packaging solutions, barrier technology, barrier applications/mill experiences, recyclable pouches, lids and trays, carton innovations and state-of-the-art bio-laminates at the first conference, being staged at IOM3 in London, on May 30th, and there will be a chance to take part in a forum. The fee for attending varies from £90 to £140 depending on status. The events are also intended for IOM3 Post graduate and Undergraduate Packaging Diploma Students as part of their ongoing professional development and will count towards their CPD.
Those sharing their insights at the conference include Paul Woollett, Membership and Training Manager, BPIF Cartons; Sally Beken, Knowledge Transfer Manager, Materials KTN; Keith Damarell, Innovation Packaging, HAVI; Markku Hämäläinen, KotkaMills; Tom Garsed,
Graphic Packaging International; Lucy Cowton, Future Cellulose Films.
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Bron: Industry urged to take advantage of renewables insights