Study Shows Most Customers Make Purchase Decisions In the Store

Most customers ultimately make their purchase decisions in the store, according to POPAI’s 2013 Shopper Engagement Study. The study found that 76% of customers surveyed indicated that they make their purchase decisions in the store. POPAI officials are working on another wave of research with the help of SmartRevenue, Shopper Sense, and Eye Faster. The […]

Hou hier rekening mee als je uw CV opmaakt!

Het opstellen van een duidelijke CV is blijkbaar niet zo eenvoudig. Je cv is je persoonlijke toegangskaart tot de arbeidsmarkt reden genoeg om er extra aandacht aan te besteden. Wekelijks ontvangen wij tussen de 50 & 100 cv’s graag helpen wij jullie een handje met deze 8 TIPS: 1.    Houd het simpel! Vaak ontvangen wij […]

Why Retail is returning to the brick and mortar ?

While online shopping has added convenience and efficiency, it also has its drawbacks. Consumers are beginning to demand the personal and intimate experience of ‘old-fashioned’ retail, a sentiment that is backed up by data in The Curve Report. Seventy-one percent of Gen Xers and Ys say they would rather shop in brick-and-mortar stores than online. Seemingly […]